Tsunamis are highly destructive waves triggered by underwater disturbances such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides and so far have been unfairly overlooked in my blog. The mechanism that triggers these events is simple – increasing or decreasing the load atop the Earth’s crust initiates stresses and strains. As previously explained, shifting volumes of water can act as a heavy enough mass to generate crustal rebound.
At the end of the last ice age, a monstrous underwater landslide named the Storegga slide erupted off the coast of Norway (Ataken and Ojeda, 2003). As a result, parts of Norway, Scotland and Iceland were inundated by the giant tsunami wave of 25 meters in height that hit after approximately 3200 cubic km of seabed was displaced at the continental shelf. Ice melt in Northern Europe is held responsible for causing a sequence of earthquakes that culminated in the immense landslide. Contemporary studies have uncovered that Storegga was one of many strong megaslides caused by glacio-isostatic rebound in the aftermath of ice ages (Bryn et al., 2002). Over the last 1.3 million years, the Storegga area has been a hotspot for sliding due to the dominance of glacial/inter-glacial cyclicity.
A more recent consequence of underwater sliding occurred in 1998 when a tsunami killed 2000 in Papua New Guinea. At the time, Papua New Guinea was experiencing an extreme drop in sea level due to the prevailing El Nino conditions (Hasegawa, 2010). This leads one to believe that if rising and falling sea level triggers more earthquakes in coastal areas, the frequency of underwater slides and tsunamis is sure to increase.